IOREC 2018: 4th International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition
The International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IOREC), organised by the International Renewable Energy Agency, is the global platform for sharing experience and best practices on design and implementation of enabling policies, tailored financing schemes, innovative business models and technology applications for stand-alone and mini-grid systems.
The fourth edition of IOREC took place in Singapore, on 31 October - 1 November 2018, as a co-located event with the Asia Clean Energy Summit, during Singapore International Energy Week. With over half a billion people in Asia still without access to electricity, the synergy with the ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting, chaired by Singapore in 2018, and with the Asia Clean Energy Summit, highlighted the role decentralised renewable energy solutions can play in electrification strategies in the region and beyond, as well as the role of off-grid renewable energy in achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IOREC) 2018
Building on the success of the earlier editions, the 4th IOREC once again attracted experts from around the world and across the off-grid renewable energy value chain, with representatives from policy-makers, rural electrification agencies, private sector, NGOs, academia, financing institutions and international organisations. Over the two-day event, the participants deliberated on enabling policies, financing schemes, innovative business models and technology applications. A special focus was put on the nexus between energy access and other key priorities such as food, water and health service. Furthermore, innovators, practitioners and entrepreneurs from the off-grid renewable energy space had the opportunity to showcase their products and services in the exhibition, organised by the Alliance for Rural Electrification, which ran in parallel to the conference.
IOREC is convened every two years, with the first three editions of the event taking place in Accra, Ghana in 2012, followed by Manila, Philippines in 2014 and Nairobi, Kenya in 2016.
Key messages from the discussion at the event:
- Modern energy access is central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and governments should consider the entire spectrum of opportunities offered by off-grid renewable energy solutions for expanding affordable, reliable and sustainable access to households, support livelihoods, enhance delivery of essential services (e.g., health) and strengthen gender equality.
- National level electrification strategies and plans should mainstream off-grid renewable energy solutions and facilitate co-operation between actors.
- To ensure effective implementation of energy access plans, institutional and legal frameworks at the national level should clearly define roles and responsibilities of public sector institutions, streamline administrative procedures and ensure adequate capacities.
- To ensure private sector involvement in energy access, the policy and regulatory framework should provide the right set of incentives and risk coverage to private investors and alleviate the barriers to unlock financing for the sector.
- Regulations are of particular importance in the case of renewable energy mini-grids where governments have the dual role of ensuring economic viability for developers while ensuring tariffs are not too high for underserved communities. Furthermore, with the right set of regulations in place, main grid arrival, often seen as a major risk for mini-grid developers, can become an opportunity both for developers and utilities alike.
- The financial instruments and products on offer from banks and other financing institutions do not always match the sector demands. To foster innovation in the sector and accelerate deployment, financing instruments on offer need to be tailored especially to the requirements of end users and small enterprises.
- Putting in place the right ecosystem for accelerating off-grid renewable energy deployment requires efforts to develop the necessary human capital by building capacities across the off-grid value chain and supporting local entrepreneurship.
- Off-grid renewable energy should be viewed as a job creating opportunity as it has the potential to create millions of jobs across the value chain.
- Efficient end-use appliances need to be included in the off-grid ecosystem to ensure affordability and long-term sustainability.
time | sessions | |||
07:30 - 08:30 | Registration | |||
08:30 - 09:30 | Joint IOREC- Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES) Opening Ceremony | |||
09:30 - 10:00 | Coffee Break & Exhibition | |||
10:00 - 11:30 | Harnessing off-grid renewables for energy access and Sustainable Development Goals | |||
11:30 - 12:45 | Driving the deployment of stand-alone systems: Enabling policies and innovative delivery models | |||
12:45 - 14:30 | Lunch & Exhibition | |||
Sustainable Energy and Livelihoods Side event Organiser: SELCO Foundation |
Closing the Human Capital Gap in Energy Access Side event Organisers: Power for All and IRENA |
Supporting renewable energy entrepreneurship Side event Organiser: IRENA |
Project facilitation and funding opportunities for renewable energy projects Side event Organiser: IRENA |
14:30 - 15:45 | Financing for stand-alone systems: Finding the missing link | |||
15:45 - 16:15 | Coffee Break & Exhibition | |||
16:15 - 17:30 | Off-grid innovation: latest solutions and future needs | |||
17:30 - 18:45 | Inclusive financing frameworks for off-grid renewable energy solutions Side event Organisers: Hivos and IRENA |
Quality infrastructure for supporting global mini-grid market expansion Side event Organiser: IRENA |
Solar irrigation: opportunities and challenges Side event Organiser: International Water Management Institute |
18:45 - 21:30 | Reception |
time | sessions | |||
09:00 - 10:30 | Scaling up renewable energy mini-grid deployment: Enabling policies and regulations | |||
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break & Exhibition | |||
11:00 - 12:30 | Scaling up renewable energy mini-grid deployment: Innovations in delivery and business models | |||
12:30 - 14:15 | Lunch & Exhibition | |||
Renewable energy off-grid components of NDCs: Co-benefits for mitigation, adaptation, & SDGs Side Event Organizer: Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany |
Accelerating renewable energy based electrification in small island contexts Side event Organizer: Department of Energy, Philippines |
25 x 25 Collaborative: Market activation for energy access Side event Organisers: Practical Action, Hivos, Power for All and SNV |
Accelerating financially viable hydro mini-grids: A closer look at small-scale hydropower in South and Southeast Asia Side event Organiser: Hydro Empowerment Network |
14:15 - 15:30 | Increasing access to finance: Unlocking capital for mini-grid deployment | |||
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break & Exhibition | |||
16:00 - 17:15 | Maximising socio-economic benefits of off-grid renewable energy solutions | |||
17:15 - 17:30 | Closing remarks | |||
17:30 - 18:45 | Exhibition | |||
Developing Market Intelligence: Understanding what is really going on in Asian Markets Side event Organizer: REN21 |
18:45 - 21:00 | Reception |
Harnessing off-grid renewables for national energy access and Sustainable Development Goals
Driving the deployment of stand-alone systems: Enabling policies and innovative delivery models
Facilitating financing for stand-alone systems: Finding the missing link
Off-grid innovation: latest solutions and future needs
- Innovation and quality infrastructure for off-grid solutions. Roland Roesch, IRENA
- Off-grid Innovation: Industry perspective. Katarina Uherova Hasbani, ENRUPT
- Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator- Singapore. Horng Leong, Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator Singapore
- Off-Grid Innovation: Latest solutions and future needs. Michael Wollny, Wollny Consulting
- Creating Deliverable Demand in Unserved Markets. Munawar Moin, Rahima Frooz Renewbale Energy LTD.
Scaling up renewable energy mini-grid deployment: Enabling policies and regulations
- Economics of RE-based mini-grids: Developers’s perspective. Xavier Vallvé, Trama TechnoAmbiental
- Policies and regulations for renewable energy mini-grids: Insights from country case studies. Rabia Ferroukhi and Bishal Parajuli, IRENA
- Policy framework for mini-grid development in the Philippines. Andresito F. Ulgado, Hydro and Ocean Energy Management Division, Department of Energy, Philippines
Scaling up renewable energy mini-grid deployment: Innovations in delivery and business models
Increasing access to finance: Unlocking capital for mini-grid deployment
Maximising socio-economic benefits of off-grid renewable energy solutions
- Study on Renewable Energy Off-grid Components of NDCs and their Role for Climate Change Mitigation. Stefan Mager, GIZ
- Maximising Socio-economic benefits of off-grid renewable energy solutions. Divyam Nagpal, IRENA
- Maximising Socio-economic benefits in off-grid renewable energy Case Study: Sumba Island, Sandra Winarsa, Hivos
Side event 1: Sustainable energy and livelihoods – SELCO Foundation
Side event 2: Closing the human capital gap in energy access – Power for All and IRENA
- #PoweringJobs A Global Campaign to Build an Energy Access Workforce. William Brent, Power for All
- Closing the Human Capital Gap in Energy Access. Rabia Ferroukhi, IRENA
Side event 3: Supporting renewable energy entrepreneurship – IRENA
- Support for the Deployment of Decentralised Renewable Energy Applications in Sub-Saharan Africa. Gurbuz Gonul, IRENA
- Supporting renewable energy entrepreneurship. Marco Aresti, RES4Africa
Side event 4: Project facilitation and funding opportunities for renewable energy projects – IRENA
- IRENA project facilitation tools to support funding for renewable energy. Roland Roesch, IRENA
- IsDB Experience in Off-grid RE Projects. Bandar Alhoweish, IsDB
- Accessing Concessional Debt, IRENA/ADFD Project Facility. Seleha Lockwood, IRENA
- Promoting Sustainable Energy for Equitable Development. Stefan Mager, GIZ
Side event 5: Inclusive financing frameworks for off-grid renewable energy solutions – Hivos and IRENA
Side event 6: Quality infrastructure for supporting global mini-grid market expansion – IRENA
Side event 7: Solar irrigation: opportunities and challenges – International Water Management Institute
- Solar Irrigation Solutions: Opportunities and Challenges. Dyviam Nagpal, IRENA
- Solar Irrigation in Bangladesh: Opportunities & Challenges
Side event 8: Renewable energy off-grid components of NDCs: Co-benefits for mitigation, adaptation and SDGs – Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
- Study on Renewable Energy Off-grid Components of NDCs and their Role for Climate Change Mitigation. Stefan Mager, GIZ
- Off-Grid Renewable Energy Components of NDCs. Hugo Lucas, Factor
- Scenario Development for Rural Electrification & OffGrid Market and Mitigation Potential. Catherina Cader, Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH
Side event 9: Accelerating renewable energy-based electrification in small island contexts – Department of Energy, Philippines
- Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Lighthouses Initiative. Gurbuz Gonul, IRENA
- Recommendations to advance clean energy mini-grids in the Philippines. Hans Jaeger, Alliance for Rural Electrification
- Total Electrification Strategy for 100% Household Electrification of the Philippines by 2022. Marc Louie Olap, Department of Energy, Philippines
Side event 10: 25x25 Collaborative: Market activation for energy access – Practical Action, Hivos, Power for All and SNV
Side event 11: Accelerating financially viable hydro mini-grids – Hydro Empowerment Networ
The IOREC exhibition will take place in parallel with the Conference from the 31 October – 1 November 2018 and is organised by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE). The exhibition serves as a showcase for the very latest off-grid technologies and the innovative approaches fuelling rapid deployment of decentralised renewable energy solutions.
The exhibition is an important component of the IOREC and is open to all interested companies and organisations. In particular, private sector companies with cutting-edge products and projects are encouraged. IOREC presents one of the year’s most important opportunities to network and build influential partnerships with key global off-grid industry players.
More information
Do not miss out on your best opportunity to connect and network with the most influential group of off-grid professionals this year.
The Exhibition is an opportunity for companies to:
- Present their products and projects;
- Showcase the latest off-grid technologies and know-how;
- Raise your profile in developing markets, especially in Asia;
- Generate new business leads with rural electrification agencies, private sector, financing institutions, development agencies and international organisations;
- Demonstrate their commitment to the collective and ongoing commitment of ARE and UN’s ‘Sustainable Energy for All’ initiative and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG7).
If you would like to book a stand, kindly contact:
Ling Ng
Communications & Marketing Officer
Alliance for Rural Electrification
Confirmed Exhibitors
Renewable Energy Solutions for Healthcare Facilities
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is organising the international conference on Renewable Energy Solutions for Healthcare Facilities which is to be held in Singapore on 2 November 2018 immediately after the 4th International Off-Grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IOREC). The conference will be a unique opportunity to discuss challenges to the deployment of renewables for health centers, present successful case studies and identify technical, regulatory, policy, and financial options which can accelerate the deployment of renewable energy for the electrification of health centres in rural communities.
Past Editions
30 September 2016-1 October 2016 Nairobi, Kenya
The 3rd edition of the International Off-Grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition
2 November 2012 Accra, Ghana
Capacity Needs Assessments for Rural Electrification
For more information about the Conference please contact: