IOREC 2018

IOREC 2024: 6th International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition


The International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IOREC) is a flagship event of IRENA and acts as the global platform for sharing experiences and best practices on design and implementation of enabling policies, tailored financing schemes, innovative business models and technology applications for stand-alone and mini-grid systems. It is convened every two years, with the first four editions of the event taking place in Accra, Ghana in 2012, Manila, Philippines in 2014, Nairobi, Kenya in 2016, and Singapore in 2018. The fifth edition of IOREC was held virtually in December 2021.

Off-grid renewable energy solutions, both standalone systems and mini-grids, continue to be of paramount importance in achieving universal energy access meeting the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 and commitment made under the Paris Agreements. The distributed, environment-friendly and adaptable nature of renewable energy technologies makes them highly suited to cater to the energy needs of rural communities, bringing substantial socio-economic benefits and contributing to the achievement of multiple SDGs.

Off-grid renewable energy solutions are increasingly being used for the provision of healthcare services in rural areas, for the treatment and processing of food, the sourcing of water, as well as in sectors such as agriculture and education. Moreover, off-grid renewable energy is essential to power economic activity and foster the development of communities in the most isolated areas of the world. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) being a lead inter-governmental agency on energy transition through renewables has been working with its member countries to bridge the energy access gap through off-grid renewable energy solutions and to address the linkages between water, energy and food to bring substantial benefits.

The International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IOREC) is a flagship event of IRENA, convened every two years, offering a global platform for sharing experiences and best practices on various technology, policy, regulatory and finance aspects of off-grid renewable energy solutions highlighting its crucial role in the achievement of the climate and sustainable development objectives. The first four editions of the event that took place in Accra, Ghana (2012), Manila, Philippines (2014), Nairobi, Kenya (2016), and Singapore (2018), with the fifth edition held virtually in December 2021. The 6th edition of IOREC will take place in Gaborone, Botswana from 2-6 December 2024 hosted by the Government of Botswana and organised by IRENA, in conjunction with SADC Sustainable Energy Week. The week is hosted by the Government of Botswana and co-organised by the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) in partnership with IRENA, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), European Union, SOLTRAIN, and others.

6th session of IOREC will bring together experts and practitioners from the region of the world across off-grid renewable energy community to deliberate on how action-oriented approach with access to affordable finance can help achieving SDG7, while supporting other sustainable development and climate goals. This year the conference is themed: Translating commitments to actions: off-grid renewables for socioeconomic development and climate action. During the event, participants will discuss enabling policies, financing schemes, innovative business models and technology applications for scaling up off-grid renewable energy. Particular emphasis will be attached on the topic of nexus between energy access and other key development priorities such as agriculture, food, and health services, and education. The conference agenda also includes a demonstration trip to an off-grid renewable energy site. Additional details on 6th IOREC can be found at where registration for the event can be done online.



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